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Consumer Protectionfor the 'Future of Finance'

Alex sitting on coffee shop thinking...

If you're getting into crypto, hit up Alex. He's been in since 2011, a true OG. You're going to learn pretty quick that the man is super passionate about something called “good wallet hygiene”. Crypto came up over dinner last week, and somehow it ended with him screaming at a server about not storing seed phrases digitally. It was weird. Some people left the restaurant. We like Alex, though, he's cool, he's just... Passionate.

This morning, his world shattered.

His eyes are still fixed on the screen; hands trembling. Alex had 3.6 million dollars. And now, it's gone. Gone, gone. He fell for a targeted, sophisticated attack, and, well, that's pretty much that.

While Alex grapples with his new reality...

Alex's phone chats
Alex's phone screen
Alex falling
Alex falling

Emma, on the other side of the country, downloads Metamask for the first time.

Emma never thought she'd be into crypto. The 2008 crisis wiped out her family, and 'investing' always felt like a rich person's game. “Memecoins”? Obvious scam.

But then she stumbled onto some videos about the concept of decentralization, about crypto as being "money for the people." For the first time in years, Emma felt a spark of possibility.

Maybe the system wasn't rigged against her after all.

One YouTube tutorial later, she's setting up a wallet.

Her hands shake as she transfers $740 - nearly all she's managed to save up.

She doesn't know it yet, but the money has already left her wallet.

Emma eating
Alex falling

At first, she thinks there's a glitch. But after a few frantic posts on X, she'll realize that she's downloaded a fake wallet app directly from the Chrome store.

And...There's...Pretty much nothing she can do.

Her post receives some condolences, but trolls ridicule her, bots try to scam her again, and Alex watches as his fellow hardened OGs tell her...

this is part of the learning process

Welcome to the 'future of finance', Emma!


Blockchain's financial liberation comes with an overlooked cost. The fundamental pillars - no intermediaries, trustlessness, and anonymity - are double-edged swords, ruthlessly exploited by bad actors.

Adopters are tasked to act as their own banks, security experts, and risk managers - an unprecedented burden that many are ill-equipped to handle. Even those with years of experience aren't immune to catastrophic loss.

This new frontier lacks even basic consumer protection - a critical component for any thriving economy. In a world where a misclick can mean irretrievable financial ruin, no one is truly safe.

So, what do we do?Traditional insurance seems an obvious answer. But in a world built on decentralization and transparency, it's a relic of the past we're trying to leave behind.

Centralized control. Opaque decision-making. High overheads. Shareholder interests trumping policyholder needs. It's a system bogged down by inefficiencies and widespread distrust, viewed more as a necessary evil than a valuable safeguard.

Applying this model to crypto is fundamentally misaligned with the principles of Web3. The inefficiencies, lack of transparency, and misaligned incentives of the industry do not fit with the values of efficiency, transparency, and decentralization that drive the crypto ecosystem.

We deserve something better.

What does consumer protection look like in this new 'future of finance'? How do we build a solution that's fundamentally different? One that aligns with Web3's core tenets, avoids traditional insurance pitfalls, and heals the fractured ground between protector and protected?

What if we told you the solution lies in our past...and our future?


Johann under rain with an umbrella
Johann's barn
Johann's roots

It's 1786 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Johann, a German immigrant farmer, watches helplessly as hail destroys his wheat crop.

In any other year, this would mean financial ruin. But this year's different. Johann's part of something new - a 'mutual aid society'. Johann joined after a wake up call when his cousin lost everything to a drought last year.

The society, created by a group of farmers, is simple yet powerful: everyone pools a portion of their harvest earnings annually. When disaster strikes one of them, they all chip in to help.

These farmers, mostly strangers to one another, are bound by the inherent risks of their profession. Now, as Johann faces crop failure, the society steps in.

This isn't charity - it's a social contract to have each other's back. A mutual understanding that, well, “it could've just as easily been me.”

This decentralized mutual aid society laid the groundwork for what we now know as traditional, centralized, regulated insurance.

And somewhere along the way, they lost the plot.

Big time.


Seed looking like vectors

Meet Sarah, a small bookstore owner in Chicago.

For years, she's diligently paid her insurance premiums, viewing them as a safety net for her business.

One day, Sarah's premiums suddenly skyrocket.

The reason? A vague letter full of jargon about "market conditions" and "risk reassessments." To Sarah, it feels arbitrary, as if someone's spinning a wheel to decide her fate.

When a burst pipe floods her store, Sarah's confident her safety net will catch her.

It doesn't.

Her claim is partially denied due to fine print she never understood. Sarah's left in the dark, her livelihood hanging in the balance.

Sarah carrying books
Micheal on this laptop

On the other end of the line is Michael, an insurance adjuster in Omaha who's never set foot in Sarah's bookstore. He sees the problem with Sarah's claim immediately, but his hands are tied. He can't explain that her rates increased due to hurricane payouts in Florida, or that her coverage was quietly reduced at renewal to recoup those losses.

Trapped between helping people and meeting shareholder expectations, Michael watches as distant boardrooms make decisions that shatter livelihoods.

Book flying.
Smudged background.
Smudged background.

This is the centralization dilemma.

A black box where critical decisions are made, far removed from those they affect. Sarah has no voice in policies impacting her business. Michael's role shifts from helper to corporate cog.

The result? A fractured trust between protector and protected.

A system so opaque that neither Sarah nor Michael fully understand why things work the way they do.

Book flying.


Traditional insurance is broken.Losing your life savings from a misclick is unacceptable.

Enter Fairside: Where financial freedom includes peace of mind.

We're doing more than updating an old system--we're building something better. Fairside combines the best of both worlds--merging decades of battle-tested risk modeling from traditional insurance with the transparency, community alignment, and efficiencies of Web3.

Our Approach:“Transparency” isn't a word—it's code. Community members are rewarded, not faceless shareholders. Security and autonomy coexist, tailored for Web3 realities.

Choose Your Role:Join us in redefining the future of consumer protection

Members:Your self custodial crypto journey, protected.

Contributors:Share risk, share rewards, retain your autonomy.

Distributors:Earn equitably for referrals, all transparently tracked on-chain.

Fairside levels the playing field--join any or all sides of the equation.

True Community AlignmentOur success is - quite literally - yours. Every decision, vote, and claim— on-chain for all to scrutinize. Our decentralized security council ensures we stay rooted in crypto realities. We're fostering a culture where contributors champion claim payouts, knowing that each satisfied member strengthens our ecosystem. Join us in redefining the future of consumer protection.


You help people again, unburdened by corporate red tape and bloated overheads.

Vector surrounding text.

You're rewarded for upholding system integrity, not meeting quotas.

You see the spirit of mutual aid not just survive, but thrive in the digital age.

Vector surrounding text.

Your shared risk means shared rewards.

Your first steps in crypto have a safety net.

Vector surrounding text.

You learn, earn, and grow within a supportive community.

You witness every claim decision, transparently recorded on-chain.

Vector surrounding text.

Your voice directly impacts changes through on-chain voting.

You champion self-custody without the sleepless nights.

Vector surrounding text.

Your expertise shapes the future of protection through governance.

Smudge and clouds background

Join us in upending the insurance industry for the age of decentralization.

Let's build the peer-to-peer safety net we've always needed, but never had.

It's what Web3 demands and deserves.

Welcome to

People floating on water watching the sky.


An umbrella constellation.
An umbrella constellation.
A round ring planet constellation.
A round ring planet constellation.
An cannabis constellation.
An cannabis constellation.
An auto ai actuary constellation.
An auto ai actuary constellation.
A yield compounder constellation.
A yield compounder constellation.
A solar system constellation.
A solar system constellation.
An umbrella constellation.
An umbrella constellation.
An sos constellation.
An sos constellation.
An rapid-response constellation.
An sos constellation.
A security grants constellation.
A round ring planet constellation.
An health constellation.
An health constellation.
People floating on water watching the sky.